The Judicial Board of the University of Ghana Students’ Representative Council (SRC) has ruled that rapper Maradona Adjei Yeboah, popularly known as Guru, is eligible to contest in the 2024 presidential elections.

The ruling indicated that the SRC Vetting Committee’s decision to disqualify him due to his non-residential status was flawed.

It was explained that the Vetting Committee’s interpretation of Article 30(1)(a) of the UGSRC Constitution was incorrect and made without proper jurisdiction.

After thoroughly reviewing the case, the board reinstated Guru in the 2024 UGSRC elections, deeming the disqualification a misjudgement.

“Having carefully considered the submissions of both parties and examined the relevant provisions of the SRC Constitution, the Court finds merit in the Applicant’s arguments. The disqualification of the applicants: Mr Maradona Adjei Yeboah, Mr Lawrence Edinam Egleh, as purportedly being non-residents, lacking the capacity to run for SRC elections lacks reasonable basis.

“Furthermore, the interpretation the Vetting Committee sought to apply to Article 30(1)(a) of the UGSRC Constitution is flawed in its entirety as they were made without proper jurisdiction and proper understanding of the provisions. I will therefore grant the reliefs sought by the applicants,” portions of the ruling released by the UGSRC Judicial Board read.

Guru faced public ridicule after the SRC Vetting Committee disqualified him based on his non-residential status.

The rapper’s presidential aspirations have now been revived following the ruling in his favour.

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